Common Room North Ltd. is a company registered in England and Wales.

Registered No. 12240515.

VAT Registration No. 334656393. 

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Common Room Training

Common Room have delivered bespoke training and workshops for a number of years. This ranges from training for organisations wanting to develop their own service-user involvement; to running young people-led workshops at conferences or universities.   

Contact us to discuss your training needs

We are able to offer training and workshops on a range of topics relating to co-production and service-user involvement.

Half day course:

Understanding Shared Decision Making and the Value of Young People's Lived Experience

Co-facilitated by young adults with lived experience of using mental health services.

Content covers:

  • Exploring Shared Decision Making
  • Stigma and Assumptions
  • Being Human vs Clinical Practice

Suited to:

Cohorts of student nurses and other front line staff in contact with young people in health settings and clinical environments.

"For mental health academics or researchers looking to increase the voice of young people in their teaching, research or scholarly activities, Common Room are a great organisation to work with. The personal experiences that Common Room’s young people have brought to the shared decision-making workshops they have led at my university have had a deep impact on students. The feedback I have received from students (many of whom are not from the mental health field) has been fantastic."

Steven Pryjmachuk, Professor of Mental Health Nursing Education, University of Manchester

Feedback from nursing students:

"It was insightful hearing exactly what the people we care for need and how little changes in our practice can make a huge difference to young people."

"I will take a lot of today's messages on board in my career as a nurse. I hope that my cohort can create a new wave of nurses who are more respectful, understanding and empathetic to patients with mental health conditions."

"I really enjoyed and found it beneficial hearing first hand from individuals who have been in services and are experts in their own conditions. I thought it was really well structured, clear and covered a lot of ground. Feel like I can take away a lot into practice!!"

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