Common Room North Ltd. is a company registered in England and Wales.

Registered No. 12240515.

VAT Registration No. 334656393. 

Get in touch

  • Have you experienced a sports injury that meant you were unable to return to sport for at least 28 days?
  • Are you aged 16-23 years old?
  • Would you be free to join us for a one-hour workshop?

A bit about the workshops

We are looking for young people aged 16-23 to join us for a one-hour workshop. The purpose of these workshops is to gather the views of young people with experience of significant time off sport due to a sport injury. This information will help us to look at ways that Podium Analytics can share messages with young people about their psychological wellbeing during times of absence from sport.

Do I get paid?

You won't be paid, but you will get an Amazon voucher for taking part

What’s the time commitment?

We ask you to attend one workshop which will last for one hour. Let us know in the form below which of the dates you can attend. 

Do I have to talk about personal stuff?

No. Being a Young Advisor means that you are giving us your view on the work we could be doing. We ask that you have specific experience but you don't need to share this in the group.

You do need to be happy to talk in the group during the workshop though. It also really helps if you're happy to have your camera on.

Will I definitely get a place on a workshop if I fill in the form?

We cannot guarantee that we will be able to offer everyone who applies a place on a workshop. We want to run 2 workshops with a small group of young people, so we just want 6 young people in each workshop. We are keeping the numbers low to ensure that all members of the group have time and feel able to talk and contribute.

We are keen to have a mix of young people in the groups in terms of the types of sport and injuries sustained so we will be looking to get a range of young people involved.


To express your interest in a workshop please fill in our contact form below and we'll be in touch on 15th April to confirm if you have a place or not. Please note - we may not be able to offer places to everyone who applies.

Common Room takes your privacy seriously. When you provide personal information to us it will be kept securely and not shared with any external parties without your express permission or unless we have a specific safeguarding concern. Data will only be accessible internally on a need to know basis. Your data will not be held any longer than necessary.

  • Read our Safeguarding policy here
  • Read our Data Protection policy here

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