Consent form
Thank you for agreeing to take part in the Podium workshops. The purpose of these workshops is to help us gather the views of young people with experience of taking significant time off sport due to sports injury. This information will help us to look at ways that Podium Analytics can share messages with other young people about their psychological wellbeing during times of absence from sport.
Focus groups/discussions
Throughout the session we will be taking notes about what you say to us, noting down quotes in your words as well as themes from conversations. We plan to use these notes to provide recommendations to Podium about the best approach to take when communicating messages to other young people. Notes and themes will be shared with Podium Analytics. We might also include some of your quotes on social media but we will not share anything in a way that could identify you.
Audio / photography / video
We will be using audio recordings featuring your voice as part of the Podium workshops. These recordings will be used internally by Common Room for the purposes of feeding back to Podium. The audio recording will be shared with Podium Analytics to enable them to fully understand the context of our discussions.
We will keep your personal information anonymous. This means that we will not share your name, date of birth, or contact details with anyone outside of Common Room. We may share details such as age, gender, general location and sport, (for example, 18, Female, West Yorkshire, Hockey) but not details that would make individuals identifiable. We will also share demographic details such as ethnicity, gender etc but these details will be taken from the separate anonymous Diversity monitoring form so would not be linked to your name at all.
Common Room takes safeguarding its participants seriously and has a safeguarding policy which all staff work to. As part of this policy, we work to the following confidentiality statement.
Storage of personal data
These notes and recordings will be securely stored by Common Room for a period of up to 5 years when they will be deleted (unless required for safeguarding investigations). You have a right to remove your consent at any time in this period. If you do remove your consent however, it may not be possible to delete data or information that has already been shared or published.
Podium Analytics will keep the recording for a period of 6 months for internal use only. After this time period they will be destroyed.
Final versions of materials developed from this activity will be kept on file to be used internally for reference only in the development of new resources.
What next?
If you have any questions about any of the above please contact
We need your consent to say that you agree to take part in this activity as outlined above.
Please fill in your details below and tick the boxes below to say you give your consent to take part.
Thank you for submitting your. consent to Common Room.