Common Room North Ltd. is a company registered in England and Wales.

Registered No. 12240515.

VAT Registration No. 334656393. 

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This survey is for anyone aged 12-20 years old who has been a hospital setting in the last two years in a children and young people's mental health inpatient unit (eg. CAMHS or Priory).

The survey is anonymous.

At the end of the survey there is a chance to enter a draw to win a £50 Amazon voucher.

When completing the survey please give us as full answers as you can - you may want to write about the staff, the environment, activities on offer, the support you got, communication, food, education, outdoor space - or anything else that comes to mind that you think is important.

  • Background information

    NHS England wants mental health inpatient units for children and young people to improve and become the best they can possibly be. They want to make sure that their inpatient services offer safe, high quality care which is useful, and given at the right time.

    In 2021 Common Room spoke to children and young people who have stayed in these units over the last year about a range of topics that NHSE identified including:

    Maintaining Physical Health


    Suicide and Self-Harm

    Quality Reviews

    Occupation and Activities

    Training for Health Care Assistants

    Mechanical Restraint 

    Criminalisation of Young People

    We got some really useful information, feedback and insight on these topics and now they want to know if there is anything else that you would like to tell them about your experiences as an inpatient. 

  • Confidentiality

    The information you share in the survey will remain anonymous, we will remove your email address from any results received prior to sharing with NHSE. 

    Your email address will only be used for the purpose of contacting you about workshops (if requested) or the prize draw (if entered). We will not use it to contact you for any other reason unless you have asked us to and we will not store it beyond the purposes listed above, unless you ask us to. 

    The only time we may contact you outside these reasons is if you shared information with us that caused us concern in relation to safeguarding children, young people or vulnerable adults from harm. If we were concerned we would try to make contact with you to discuss our concerns and offer support in line with the Common Room Safeguarding Policy.

    Common Room North Ltd. offers confidentiality to children, young people and adults associated with our work. We are fully GDPR compliant and will not share information about you with external parties without your consent unless we are concerned about something you have told us. Go to Common Room Safeguarding Children, Young People and Adults at Risk Policy.

  • Want to stay involved?

    We will also be running two workshops to have further discussions on Thursday 28th July:

    Under 16 years old - 4:30-6:00pm

    17+ years old - 6:30-8:00pm

    There is an opportunity to let us know you'd like to join the workshops at the end of the survey. Or you can contact us to get more information

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