Consent form - Common Room photo shoot August 2023
Thank you for agreeing to take part in our photo shoot. This is to help us gather some stock photos for marketing and communication materials.
We will be taking photographs of you as part of the photo shoot. These photos may be published and shared on online public platforms (including social media) and on the Common room website as well as in reports, slideshows and leaflets, where they will be accessible to members of the public and shareable. These photos will not include your face and you will not be identifiable.
We will keep your personal information anonymous. This means that we will not share your name, date of birth, or contact details with anyone outside of Common Room.
Common Room takes safeguarding its participants seriously and has a safeguarding policy which all staff work to. As part of this policy, we work to the following confidentiality statement.
Storage of personal data
The images will be securely stored by Common Room. Images of participants where they are not identifiable (e.g., images of feet or hands) may be used for an undefined period and will not be removed unless explicitly requested by the subject or their parent or guardian (if under 16 years old).
What next?
If you have any questions about any of the above please contact
We need your consent to say that you agree to take part in this activity as outlined above.
Please fill in your details below and tick the boxes below to say you give your consent to take part.
Thank you for submitting your consent to Common Room. We look forward to seeing you on the photo shoot day 1st or 2nd aug
If you are under 16 years old please ensure your parent/guardian completes this parent form also.