Recorded discussion about over 18s crisis services in Lees
The purpose of this discussion is to gather views, anonymously, of young adults who regularly use crisis services in the city and want to feed back their experiences
Audio recording and storage
We will be taking audio recordings of the discussion and sharing it (anonymously) with the ICB in Leeds to feed into their city crisis review.
You have a right to remove your consent at any time in this period. If you do remove your consent however, it may not be possible to delete data or information that has already been shared.
We will keep your personal information anonymous. This means that we will not share your name, date of birth, or contact details with anyone outside of Common Room. We may share details such as age, gender, ethnicity but not details that would make individuals identifiable.
Common Room takes safeguarding its participants seriously and has a safeguarding policy which all staff work to. As part of this policy, we work to the following confidentiality statement.
What next?
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