Common Room North Ltd. is a company registered in England and Wales.

Registered No. 12240515.

VAT Registration No. 334656393. 

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Consent form - contra 'A' level student workshop June 2024

Thank you for agreeing to take part in on of our workshop in association with Contra Agency. The purpose of these workshops is to help us gather the views of A level students with high predicted grades and understand how people choose which university to go to. This information will help King's College, University of Cambridge think about what's important on their web content to appeal to a wider community of students.

Focus groups/discussions

Throughout the session we will be taking notes about what you say to us, noting down quotes in your words as well as themes from conversations. These notes will help give recommendations to King's College about the best approach to take when communicating messages to other young people. We will not share anything in a way that could identify you.

Audio recording and storage

We will be taking audio recordings of each workshop. These recordings will be used internally by Contra and King's College to help develop their web content.  The recordings will be securely stored by Common Room, Contra and King's College for up to 6 months for internal use only - at which point they will be deleted. Your personal data will be stored by Common Room for a period of up to 5 years (unless required for safeguarding investigations). 

You have a right to remove your consent at any time in this period. If you do remove your consent however, it may not be possible to delete data or information that has already been shared.


We will keep your personal information anonymous. This means that we will not share your name, date of birth, or contact details with anyone outside of Common Room. We may share details such as age, gender, ethnicity but not details that would make individuals identifiable.


Common Room takes safeguarding its participants seriously and has a safeguarding policy which all staff work to. As part of this policy, we work to the following confidentiality statement.

  • Common Room Confidentiality Statement
  • Common Room offers confidentiality to children, young people and adults we engage with through our work, including staff members. This means we will not normally share information about you to anyone outside the organisation without your agreement. We will keep information about you secure only until it is no longer needed and share this on a need-to-know basis.
  • There may however be times when we need to share information about you with external partners or organisations when we are concerned that you or someone else are in danger or at risk of significant harm. Wherever possible we will try to discuss this with you and gain your consent before giving out any information. However, if we are unable to do this and feel that telling you would increase the risk, we may choose to do so without your consent. 
  • If you are unsure or would like to know more about the above, please ask one of the workers or email

What next?

If you have any questions about any of the above please contact 

We need your consent to say that you agree to take part in this activity as outlined above. 

Please fill in your details below and tick the boxes below to say you give your consent to take part. 

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